Un cajón de madera virtual al que se suben tres tipos (por turno riguroso, pero que a veces se echan a empujones por falta de espacio) y una becaria (que intenta subirse, pero no la dejan) para arengar, criticar y sermonear a los incautos que acierten a pasar por aquí sobre todo aquello que les molesta (o no).
jueves, enero 15, 2009
Doraemon en Burgos
A la puerta de la catedral, saludando a la cámara.
Deprofundis deseando poder hacer fotos a Doraemon en algún sitio exótico.
1 comentario:
Gday administrator, I just wanted to give you a brief heads up that your current Web address: http://www.blogger. com/comment.g?blogID=21344135&postID=3180190610658422999 is being flagged as a possibly malicious blog in my internet browser firefox. I'd highly suggest having somebody look into it. You can lose a lot of guests due to this problem. Best of Luck.
1 comentario:
Gday administrator, I just wanted to give you a brief heads
up that your current Web address: http://www.blogger.
com/comment.g?blogID=21344135&postID=3180190610658422999 is being flagged as a
possibly malicious blog in
my internet browser firefox. I'd highly suggest having somebody look
into it. You can
lose a lot of guests due to this
problem. Best of Luck.
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